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Meet Tanya Ward

Unveiling the Path to Healing and Transformation


From a young age, I've been deeply drawn to the world of healing arts, a calling that would eventually shape the course of my life's journey. Initially, my path led me to the practice of massage therapy, where I honed my skills for many years. It was during this time that I began to perceive a profound connection between unresolved emotions and the imbalances that can manifest as physical ailments and even disease within the body.


This realization ignited a passionate quest within me, driving me to explore the profound depths of human healing that extend far beyond the physical realm. I firmly believe that when we address the root causes of our ailments and emotional wounds, we can pave the way to restoring balance across all aspects of ourselves. In doing so, we not only heal ourselves but also become radiant beacons of love and positive energy, sending ripples of healing throughout the universe.

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My journey in the healing arts officially began with my graduation from the East West College of the Healing Arts in Portland, OR, in 2000. Over the years, I have continually expanded my knowledge and expertise in bodywork and energetics. In 2019, I proudly achieved certification as a Facilitator in Shamanic Breathwork (Venus Rising) and Breathwork Metamorphosis (Freedom Rising). Additionally, I embarked on a sacred path by becoming an Ordained Minister, deepening my commitment to guiding others on their spiritual and healing journeys.


In 2021, I furthered my mastery by attaining the title of Reiki Master in Holy Fire III & Shamanic. My journey in the realms of shamanic and energy healing techniques is an ongoing exploration, driven by an unwavering passion to learn and grow.


Above all, I am dedicated to helping you activate your inner healer, guiding you towards your authentic, radiant self. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey that not only heals but empowers you to shine your light brightly in this world.

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